Wednesday 28 September 2011

Final building

As you can see the building had drastic changes made but the concept has still been kept the same because it can still "gift space". This can be seen when platforms are clicked they expand creating a larger room. These expansions can be used in different seasons, for example in winter the balconys will not be extended to provide more closure then in summer it would be vice versa. The ceilings and floors are the same prim because floors are produced from hollow blocks. This is useful because less prims are used. The materials used are concrete and glass because of theyre to opposing textures.


If I was to place a word in today or tomorrows traditions it would be post conservatism because I believe our past should still be strongly integrated with our designs today, this allows traditions too be passed on giving the architecture more meaning.

Monday 26 September 2011

Bringing the design into 21st century.

This is my final view of the office.

Interior view of the bottom floor with the stairs leading up to the second.

I decided to yet again completely change the architecture of my building but in doing so i still kept the initial concept. Due to problems on second life I was forced to move my building to a new site but this worked out better in the long run because the building can be seen properly and also allowed me to extend.

This first concept had rotating blocks on the outside to work on the mechanics of changing light in the building. The rooms had extended walls to provide harmony between the building and natural environment. 

Map of selected services, such as fabrication, railway station to transport the mobile rooms: all in 10 minutes walking distance from the office (blue box). 

Sunday 25 September 2011


I have reconstructed my office on Second life. I haven't developed the concept yet but decided to play with materials and colours to show some expression that could support the idea of gifting.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Drawn motion of my animation

I have drawn the motion of the animation like this because it reminded me of the motion of a typewriter where it is a step by step motion then quickly slides back to the beginning. In the video I make drawings step by step but then come back to them to add more detail or change specific ideas.

Discussion: gifting

I decided to post on the digital carnival page about gifting opinions. I find this interesting because a person opinion has the ability to change how you perceive. All in all peoples opinions help you form your own but they also put you in a new direction by developing your perception.

Monday 19 September 2011


Today we began learning basics on 3ds max design to construct a sculptie which has influence from a part of our previous project. We also viewed the 3D scanner that will come in good use in the future.

The image to right is the prim I composed on 3ds max. To change the shape i selected soft selection so when a point is moved, a few other points change as well giving a more natural appearance.

My sculptie is supposed to be a pencil holder for use in the office. I didn't construct a part of the building because the office is produced out of geometric shapes.  

I decided to change my sculpty to a wall because the original was more a peice of furniture.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Peer Reviews 15/9


[1] SAM WONG :

Sam's clients were:
  • Engineer
  • Illustrator
  • Scientist
  • Millionaire 
I enjoyed Sam's work because he designed an interesting office building that created a non boring space for the workers because they could move to the roof for peace and air to refresh they're ideas (an idea which came from Sam's last project). Sam focused a lot on reactive objects such changing lights through hallways and also a interactive set stairs that change as your avatar approaches. His choice of materials was mainly concrete because it related to the Salk Institute of Biological Sciences but more importantly the concrete was used to give an unfinished/ unrefined appearance.

Tips that Sam gave me were:

-Reactive things are the most important
-Remember to do scripting


Steven's concept came from an image of a buildings but the photo was taken with open shutter. This made the black and white image have a ghostly appeal with its distortion of moving objects. This image inspired Steven to create an interlocking office block where each room connected with some kind of space instead of just being a room with a door. The material selected were translucent glass that reflected the colours of the open shutter image making the building have a sense of movement.


Unfortunately Chen had to produce her office block on google sketch up because the Second life island had filled its capacity as all prims had been put to use. Chen decided to design her office as a dancing platform/studio because this is something she is passionate about. She included parts of her last project such as her lamp shade that had been cut to appear like flames. This was used alot in her digital building to let different amounts of light into the building.    

finished design

The finished design could be considered to be a moving building because the four rooms could be slid out of the facade and transported to a site where the colleague could do physical work. My 5 colleagues were an Accountant, Designer, Marketer, Engineer and truck driver.